Growing our NGAP Community

Promoting Clean Energy in the country and Worldwide

As of August 2018, we have a total of 267 members in NGAP.  Our membership number has been close to this figure in the last three (3) years (2016-2018). The companies and agencies with the highest number of members include the Energy Development Corporation (EDC), Philippine Geothermal Production Company, Inc. (PGPC), AP Renewables, Inc. (APRI), Maibarara Geothermal, Inc. (MGI) and the Department of Energy (DOE).

We have two (2) types of members: individual and corporate.  For individuals, we have a tiered membership option based on three (3) payment modes, as follows:

  1. Annual – 500 PhP/year
  2. Option 45 – 3,000 PhP/5 years
  3. Lifetime – 5,000 PhP

Our Membership Committee will pursue earlier and more aggressive programs to boost our membership.  We need your active support in expanding our community.

Numbers do count, and we’re counting on each of you to help us in promoting NGAP and our advocacies! Re-enrollment of your membership will start on January 2019. We will communicate directly with you.